Plottron/Eval Graph
Help and Information

Advanced 2D/3D Graphing and Scientific Calculator

General Help


Some features described in this manual apply to Plottron only.

General Notes

Internal Fractions

Numbers are stored internally as fractions when possible. There is no separate fraction button to enter fractions. Use the Divide key [÷] to enter fractions.

When internal fractions are enabled, points on graphs are evaluated using fractions. Always enable internal fractions for greater accuracy.

Numbers up to 6 decimal places are converted to fractions when internal fractions are enabled.

Does not apply to tables.

Parameter Types

To change the parameter type: [MENU] → [Preferences] → [Parameter Type]
(Plottron only)

2D Function

Yn is function of x.

Y1(x) = 2sin(x)cos(x)

3D Function

Zn is function of x and y.

Z1(x,y) = x^2-y^2

2D Parametric

XnT, YnT are functions of t.

X1T(t) = sin(t)
Y1T(t) = cos(t)

3D Parametric

XnV, YnV, ZnV are functions of t, v.

X1V(t,v) = .02tsin(t)cos(v)
Y1V(t,v) = .02tsin(t)sin(v)
X1V(t,v) = .06v-4

2D Polar

rn is a function of θ.

r1(θ) = sin(2θ)

Function Editor

Active Function

User-Defined Functions

As functions are entered in the function editor, they are stored as user-defined functions and can be accessed in both the function editor and the infix calculator by pressing [MENU] on device, then [User Functions] in the resulting menu.


The following functions plot a circle with a radius of 1 in 2D Function mode.
Y1(x) = √1-x²
Y2(x) = -Y1(x)


Do not make functions refer to themselves or make them call each other:
Y1(x) = Y1(x)
Y1(x) = Y2(x), Y2(x) = Y1(x)
The application will quit due to stack overflow.



Graphing Window

The graphing window displays plots of all current functions according to the current Window setting. If an error occurs at a point of a function, it is not plotted and no error occurs.


The graphing window starts in Normal mode.

Using the Directional Pad

Using the Keypad

Calculation Functions

Calculation functions available in each mode
2D Function
3D Function, Parametric
2D Parametric, Polar

*Zero, Maximum, Minimum, Intersect, Integrate

Information Mode

Traces the active function.

Press [Info] button to enter Information mode. The cursor's coordinates are displayed at the upper-left corner of the screen. Press [Info] again to return to Normal mode.


Finds a root (zero or x-intercept) of a function.

  1. Press [Zero] to enter Zero mode. The [Zero] button will display [OK].
  2. Move the cursor to the left of, and as close as possible, to the root. Press [OK].
  3. Move the cursor to the right of, and as close as possible, to the root.
  4. Press [OK] again.
The cursor moves to the root on the graph, and the coordinates are displayed at the upper-left corner of the screen. The mode changes to Normal. The coordinates of the zero are stored in variables x and y.


Finds local extrema on the graph.

  1. Press [MENU] on device, then [Maximum] or [Minimum] in the menu to enter Extrema mode. The [Zero] button will display [OK].
  2. Move the cursor to the left of, and as close as possible, to the extremum. Press [OK].
  3. Move the cursor to the right of, and as close as possible, to the extremum.
  4. Press [OK] again.
The cursor moves to the extremum on the graph, and the coordinates are displayed at the upper-left corner of the screen. The mode changes to Normal. The coordinates of the extremum are stored in variables x and y.


Finds the coordinates of an intersection between two functions on the graph.

  1. Press [MENU] on device, then [Intersect]. A list of functions appears.
  2. Choose a function that intersects with the active function.
  3. The cursor moves onto the active function. If necessary, change the active function. Move the cursor to the left of, and as close as possible, to the intersection. Press [OK].
  4. The cursor moves onto the intersect function. If necessary, change this function using the D-pad or by double-tapping. Move the cursor to the right of, and as close as possible, to the intersection. Press [OK] again.
The cursor moves to the intersection on the graph, and the coordinates are displayed at the upper-left corner of the screen. The mode changes to Normal. The coordinates of the intersection are stored in variables x and y.


Integrates a graph and shades the integrated area.

  1. Press [MENU] on device, then [More], then [Integrate]. The [Zero] button will display [OK].
  2. Move the cursor to the left bound. Press [OK].
  3. Move the cursor to the right bound. Press [OK] again.
The integrated area is shaded. The left and right bounds and the integral are displayed at the upper-left corner of the screen. The mode changes to Normal. The integral is stored in the variable ans.

Parametric/Polar Derivatives (2D)

In 2D Parametric/Polar mode, press [MENU] on device, then [Derivative] in the resulting menu. A dialog is displayed displaying dy/dx, and dy/dt and dx/dt (parametric) or dr/dθ, dy/dθ, and dx/dθ (polar), calculated at the current cursor coordinates. Click on a derivative calculation to store it into variable m.

Variables and Constants

See Variables and Constants in Infix Calculator Help.


Graphing and Tables

Angle Unit Adjusts measurement of angles. Applies to calculator, graphs, and tables.
  • Degrees
  • Radians
  • Gradians
Applies to standard trigonometric functions sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent.
Snap to Increment In a calculation mode, restricts cursor movement to one increment as implied by the current window setting.
RPN Calculator Use the RPN Calculator.
Inertial Panning Accelerate panning and scrolling graphs.
Parameter Type Changes the table and graphing parameters. See Parameter Types.
  • 2D Function
  • 3D Function
  • 2D Parametric
  • 3D Parametric
  • 2D Polar
Connect Plotted Points Whether to connect plotted points. In 3D modes, solid and wireframe modes are only enabled if this option is enabled.
Show Axes Whether to show X, Y, and Z axes.
Horizontal, Vertical Resolution Adjusts 3D Function graph resolution.
  • Highest − Render 100 points
  • High − 50 points
  • Medium − 20 points
  • Low − 10 points
Note that if both resolutions are set to highest, 100 × 100 = 10000 points must be rendered. This may take a long time.
Augmented Reality For 3D graphs, adjusts the camera based on the device position. Panning with the D-pad or touchscreen is disabled.
When enabled, do not place device in strong magnetic fields.
Lighting For 3D graphs, adds shading to show depth. This feature can be slow on some devices. If so, disable inertial panning.
Smoothness Whether to smoothly shade 3D graph colors.
White Background Whether to use a white or black background.


If the security dialog appears (Plottron), the application is unlicensed. Open Plottron with an internet connection once to license it. If this message persists, contact NIXON.

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